
  • In this category you will find many books of the holy Quran in different varieties: In French, Arabic Quran, phonetic Quran.

    Our specialty: The colorful Korans on the cover.

    We offer the Holy Quran with the cover in several colors: White, Black, Pale pink, fushia pink, purple, turquoise blue, blue green, brown, burgundy, green.

    Choice: In Arabic, French, Phonetic, both.

    Versions of the Koran ideal to offer as a gift.

    Gift idea for wedding, dowry, aid, or any other occasion. We also offer them in gift boxes composed with prayer mats, citadel, perfume etc...

    Quran simple colored cover or quran rainbow (colored pages)

    The Quran is the most important book in the history of mankind. It is the source of all knowledge - and it is there for you to meditate on whenever you want.

    The Quran is a book of advice and wisdom, which contains teachings on how to lead a good life.

    According to the Quran, an important part of this guidance is to meditate on the Noble Quran.

    Meditating on the Noble Quran means reading it several times a day, as well as other forms of reflection.

    Meditation of the Noble Quran helps you know yourself better and better understand what you believe in.

    It also helps you develop a better relationship with Allah.

    If you don't know the Quran, it can help you familiarize yourself with Islam and its beliefs.

    We all know that meditation is the most powerful way to achieve inner peace, but some people are too busy to find time for it. That's why we are here!

    With The Noble Quran, you can meditate anytime and anywhere with just your voice.

    The benefits of meditating on the noble Quran are endless: it can help you improve your memory, reduce stress, make better decisions, and more. It is a guide for your life.

  • Islamic books are rich in content, quality and methodology.

    The Islamic education system is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime.

    The main purpose of writing books about Islam is to spread knowledge among people according to the standards of Quran and Sunnah.

    In this category books on Islam you will find one of the best Islamic books dealing with different themes.

    (Tawhid, Ramadan fasting, Prayer, The 5 pillars, The foundations of Islam, Muslim women, converts, Muslim behavior, how to learn Arabic or even memorize the Koran...)

    Books to have in your library

  • Boutiqueoumzaid vous propose depuis de nombreuses années des jolis porte coran.
    Nous vous propons également notre gamme de marques pages, création spécial pour boutiqueoumzaid.

  • Découvrez nos calendrier musulman et chevalet :

    • Calendrier 365 rappels coranique noir ou blanc

    • Chevalet 99 noms d'Allah noir ou blanc

    • Calendrier histoire musulmans

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